Friday, March 31, 2006
Lord Shiva
My dear friends Paul and Remy are on their winter retreat in Goa, India. They sent this photo of Lord Shiva they sculpted in sand. to see more of their work go to
practice makes perfect
The weather has been beautiful this spring, so far. Playing in the sand is a nice way to enjoy the weather!
Christy has made it BIG!
Check out the billboard in the background...YES! It's me! It's a biggie. This was at a Nascar event in Mexico City....pretty neat eh?
Travel Channel Crew Clowns Around I spent Spring break. I spent most of it working for the Travel Channel as a Production Assistant...but did find time to clown around at the Children's Museum in Brownsville. I stopped by the production office on my way to get a quick photo with the gang.